PHP Training
PHP Training
PHP is one of the most popular and developer-friendly programming languages that can help you create responsive and engaging websites and mobile applications. This open-source programming language is feature-rich and a huge competitor of Microsoft’s ASP.Net. If you are a web developer who specializes in making dynamic web applications, learning PHP will equip you with a brighter future.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction
- Basicso fProgramming
- Designing
- Introduction of HTML
- HTML Tags
- HTML Elements
- HTML Anchor Tags
- HTML List
- HTML Table
- HTML Forms
- Selection of CSS
- Margin & Padding
- CSS Classes
- CSS Internal / External
- CSS Inline
- Bootstrap Introduction
- Benefits of Bootstrap Model
- Bootstrap Model layout structure
- Bootstrap – Classes • Bootstrap – grid layout
- Bootstrap – Forms , tables, buttons , lists, etc..
- Bootstrap – carousel -image slider
- Bootstrap – popup model and alters
- Introduction of Javascript
- Javascript Types
- JS Functions
- Variable ,Operators in js
- GET & POST method in Javascript
- JQuery : class & id
- JQuery : Methods – Hide, show , slide up ,slide down , toggle
- JQuery – Events
- JQuery – css methods
- JQuery – Variable ,Operators in js
- JQuery – Form Validation
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP Operators
- PHP Strings
- PHP Arrays
- PHP Loop
- PHP Forms
- PHP File Handling
- Introduction
- Mysql Database and Php
- Database Normalization
- Database Connectivity
- Creation of DB and users
- Creation of DB Tables
- PHPMyAdmin / DB Tool
- Php Mysql Select
- Php Mysql Insert
- Php Mysql Where
- Php Mysql Orderby
- Php Mysql Update
- Php Mysql Delete
- Php Mysql Join
- Php Sessions
- PHP Include
- PHP Cookies
- PHP Validations
- PHP Pagination
- PHP Operators
- OOPS in Php
- Introduction to MVC in Php
- Ajax in Php
- PHP PDF handling